
Alumni Relations

69Òù the Association

The Mission of the Clinton College Alumni Association is to cultivate relationships between and among the alumni and Clinton College; to represent the diverse interest of alumni to the school and the school to the alumni, and to nurture the personal development of current and future alumni so that each individual achieves the greatest goof for themselves while perpetuating the proud heritage of Clinton College.

Refer a Future Golden Bear

Alumni are the heartbeat of student recruitment. Simply sharing your story can show perspective students why Clinton College will be the launch pad to their future success. We'd love to electronically meet them. Simply complete the Referral Form and our Admissions Team will handle the rest.

Thank you for encouraging a student to further their education at Clinton College!

Join Clinton College National Alumni Association

Update Contact Information

Stay Connected. Stay Current. in order to stay up to date and connected to the Alumni Association.

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Young Alumni Council

The Young Alumni Council is an initiative with the mission of educating and creating awareness for young alumni through engagement and giving opportunities. The goal is to develop events, programs and activities to connect, engage and involve young alumni with Clinton College throughout their lifetime. Let’s bridge the gap between students and alumni.

Giving Back

Giving back to your Alma Mater has been made easy. You may make your gift to the Clinton College Alumni Association by credit card, phone, or mail. Give to Clinton

Serve your Alma Mater

Giving back doesn’t always have a financial obligation attached to it. There are many ways to serve your Alma Mater. Contact The office of Alumni Relations at alumni@clintoncollege.edu if you are interested in volunteering at Clinton College.

Ways to Volunteer

  • Mentoring through TRiO
  • Special Campus-wide Events
  • Beacon Forum 69Òù
  • Student Activities
  • Internship Opportunities